I hold the intention that each person I work with will be supported to unfold into the truest expression of themselves.

Whilst hypnotherapy can seem mystical, it is in fact a well-studied science of the mind. When our conscious and sub-conscious minds are supported to work together harmoniously, new insights and ‘aha’ moments become increasingly available to us. We are more able to change our patterns, achieve our goals and experience the expansion of self we desire. I hold the intention that each person I work with will be supported to unfold into the truest expression of themselves. The benefits of hypnotherapy are backed by research and it has proven helpful for many people across the globe.

Between the ages of 2 – 7 we primarily operate in a highly suggestible brainwave state called Theta. This is a super learning state. We are very receptive and suggestible during this early stage of life and form many beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. These beliefs and associated ways of being in the world will usually remain with us into adulthood. They show up in many areas our life…our behaviours, anxieties, habits and self-esteem to name a few.

Theta, the super learning brain wave state is also accessed during hypnosis. Hypnotherapy allows us to return to this powerful state of mind to re-program, learn new ways of being in the world and accept positive suggestions in line with our goals and desires.

We can discover and bring an understanding to things in talk-based therapies, however we not only need to understand, we also need to re-learn. Hypnotherapy offers this exciting opportunity for re-learning.

Here you will be offered evidence based clinical hypnotherapy, combined with aspects of counselling, psychotherapy and positive psychology. 

Whether you are looking to kick a habit, recover from anxiety, stress or depression, change limiting beliefs or delve into self exploration, hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for change. It helps us gain control over our unconscious patterns and guides us to discover a multitude of resources and capabilities that exist within.


Anneliis Way Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for Addictions

"What an incredible process it's been, I can proudly say that I haven't touched marijuana since April, and we are in November now. The change has been phenomenal. In my personal and business life I've got so much more clarity". 

- Rick, Queenstown, N.Z

Hynotherapy for Anxiety

"A switch was sort of flipped, not instantly but over the course of our sessions. It showed me that I can retrain my brain... it helped me to put the stuff that triggered the anxiety behind me... knowing that I am in control and I have the ability to stay centred... it's in my hands, that is a freedom that everybody deserves"”

- Melissa, Minesotta, U.S.A

The Hypnotherapy Experience