Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hypnotherapy is beneficial for (but not limited to):

    • Recovery from anxiety, stress and depression

    • Dealing with unwanted habits & phobias

    • Non-pharmacological pain management

    • Weight reduction

    • Self exploration and personal growth

    • Changing limiting beliefs and patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour

    • Enhancement of sports, artistic & academic performance

    • Smoking cessation

    • Improved confidence when public speaking

  • Introductory Call (up to 30 minutes): $0

    To begin: In my experience a minimum of 2 sessions is required to gain the momentum of change. For some these 2 sessions will be all that is required. For others the journey will continue.

    Initial investment: $429 (price inclusive of GST).

    This includes 2 sessions that will run for 60 to 90 minutes. Can be paid in 2 instalments of $214.50 at the time of each appointment.

    Ongoing investment:

    Standard session (40 - 60 minutes): $165 (price inclusive of GST)

    Extended session (60 to 90 minutes): $214.50 (price inclusive of GST)

  • Most people need anywhere from 3 - 6 sessions. For more complex issues up to 12 sessions may be indicated. A treatment plan will be developed with you at your first session.

  • Each person's experience is unique, however most people find they feel deeply relaxed yet focused. Most people report the hypnotic state to be a very pleasant one.

  • Please be assured that you will be in control at all times during hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is first and foremost a state you have to be willing to enter, meaning no one can hypnotise you against your will. It is something you must choose to do.

    During hypnotherapy your conscious mind will always be listening and accessible. You will only accept suggestions that are aligned with your goals and values.

    Just as you can quickly bring yourself out of reading a book or being in a daydream, so too can you terminate the hypnotic state any time you choose. You will not say or do anything that you do not wish to.

  • Psychotherapy encompasses a wide range of techniques that can help us feel happier and more empowered in our lives by:

    • resolving unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours

    • overcoming problems that interfere with us achieving our goals.

    Research has demonstrated that when hypnotherapy is added to psychotherapeutic techniques it significantly improves the outcomes. I use elements of the following psychotherapies in combination with hypnotherapy:

    COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY (CBT): Helps us identify, challenge and change unhelpful thoughts known as cognitive distortions. CBT helps us develop coping strategies to solve or manage problems.

    GESTALT THERAPY: Focuses on our strengths and potentials. We learn to view our life’s circumstances as they are, rather than through the lens of past perceptions.

    INNER CHILD WORK: Helps us to decide if we want to retain beliefs formed in childhood, or challenge and change them. This work encourages us to re-parent our inner child with understanding, love, and comfort.

    NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING: (NLP): Draws from an understanding that habits of thought, often unconscious, lead us to habits of behaviour. NLP strategies encourage us to understand more about ourselves, identify past successes and provide ways to replicate them.

    PARTS THERAPY: Works to resolve inner conflict. Most people have parts…and this does not mean we have multiple personalities. We may be able to recognize a part of us that is protective, whilst another part is self-critical, whilst another carries the pain of the past.

    Parts therapy is useful in times of inner conflict. If we leave conflict between parts of us unresolved it can prevent us from achieving healing and our goals. All parts have a protective mechanism and our best interests at heart. When they can work together in harmony and agreement, powerful shifts are possible.

    REGRESSION THERAPY: Our past experiences can have a profound effect on our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. We remember past experiences in everyday life, looking at photos, talking with friends, or hearing a particular song. Yet, memory science indicates we often mis-remember details of past events. What we recall, is our perception of a past event and it is these perceptions, often formed when we were younger, that sometimes continue to affect us as adults.

    Regression therapy involves revisiting past experiences in a safe and controlled way. Allowing us to understand them, reframe them, release them, and reposition them from a fresh, more adaptive perspective.

  • Yes. I work alongside a range of health practitioners and use standardised assessment tools and evidence based techniques. For some physical conditions, medical clearance may be requested prior to treatment.

  • Hypnotherapy is not suggested for people with psychotic illness. If you have epilepsy it is important that you disclose this as treatments will need to be adapted accordingly.

  • No, my specialty lies in working with adult clients only.