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Music Therapy?

Are You Looking Into Music Therapy?

Music therapy is a research-based allied health profession in which music is intentionally used with the aim of creating positive changes in function, health and well-being (source

Who Provides Music Therapy?

Music Therapy in Adelaide

Registered music therapists are trained at university to understand the psychology of music and how it can affect both the brain and body. They are members of the Australian Music Therapy Association and as such adhere to a code of ethics and regularly engage in supervision and expanding their professional skills. Music therapists are also competent musicians who can sing and play instruments.  Enquire today to find out more.

Meet Anneliis Way - Registered Music Therapist

Hi I’m Anneliis, 

The minute I heard the words ‘music therapy’, I knew this was the job for me.

I completed a Bachelor of Music Therapy at Melbourne University in 2005 and have been a practising registered music therapist for the past 17 years. I have provided music therapy in a range of settings including early intervention, special education, adult disability, stroke rehabilitation, cancer care, progressive neurology, community choirs, aged care and palliative care.

In addition to my clinical music therapy work, I have taught sessionally in the Master’s of Music Therapy program at Melbourne University, provided clinical supervision, been involved in music therapy research projects and have held senior and allied health managerial roles in range of health care services. Led by a strong interest in wellbeing and human potential, I went on to complete a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology in 2017.

I believe that music makes life better and am committed to bringing the benefits of music to everyone I work with. My approach to therapy is individualised, flexible and strengths based.

Do I Need to be Musical to Benefit from Music Therapy?

You don’t need to be musical to take part in or benefit from music therapy. Registered music therapists plan and provide musical experiences for their clients. Each session is tailored to a person’s individual needs and goals.

What Happens in a Music Therapy Session?

Music will be used to help you work towards achieving your non-musical goals. In session you can engage with music actively or receptively. Sessions can address a wide range of needs and you will always be included in deciding what the goals of therapy are for yourself, or your loved one. Enquire about booking a session here.

During music therapy you might:

  • Listen to music

  • Sing

  • Play instruments

  • Write songs and record them

  • Talk about music or song lyrics

  • Experience relaxation or mindfulness using music

  • Create musical playlists

  • Play musical games

  • Move to music

  • Learn musical skills

  • Learn how to use music in your everyday life

Who is Music Therapy For?

Music therapy Adelaide

Music therapy can support people of any ability or background. It is beneficial for people of all ages, from newborn children through to older adults. Music therapy is often accessed to help with:

  • Speech & communication

  • Mental health & mood

  • Body movement & motor skills

  • Confidence & social skills

  • Cognitive skills like learning, planning & attention

  • Quality of life & wellbeing

Where Can I Access Music Therapy with Anneliis?

Anneliis offers music therapy services from Adelaide, South Australia. In clinic sessions are provided from Christies Beach and home visits are available in the southern Suburbs of Adelaide for suitable participants. Online, Telehealth appointments are also available for people Australia wide.